The Law Firm has a special knowledge and expertise in the legal areas of corporate law, civil law, commercial law, administrative law, real estate law, labour law, data privacy, intellectual property and sports law.
The Law Firm participates in the establishment and dissolution of business associations, including non-profit business associations and branch offices and / or representative offices of foreign enterprises, in ensuring the legal background and legal compliance for such organizations. Furthermore, the Law Firm takes part in the internal reorganization of business associations and in preparation of rules of procedures, by-laws of internal operations of business associations and their organs (e.g. Board of Directors, Supervisory Board). In addition, the Law Firm renders legal advisory activity for issues connected to both the daily operation and single, structural, conceptual matters.
The Law Firm disposes of significant expertise and practice in the legal counselling and supporting of domestic and cross-border corporate legal transactions, in particular in supporting for deals concerning business shares and quotas, mergers and demergers, M&A transactions, in the preparation of the transaction and project documents according to the legal language requested by the Client (English, German, Italian) and in legal due diligence investigations over business associations.
Due to the primary clientele of the Law Firm operating as business players, the preparation, reviewing of civil law (commercial law) (typical and atypical) agreements and drafts bear a significant importance among the legal services of our Law Firm.
The members of our Law Firm have remarkable knowledge in the establishment of organizations, especially associations and foundations to be founded upon the right of association, in strategical and operative legal counselling for the operation of already existing civil organizations.
Upon our Clients’ needs, our Law Firm provides legal representation activity in administrative procedures and towards state and governmental authorities in relationships with them and in procedures in course in front of such authorities (e.g. performance and control of incentive agreements), including participation in judicial trials before courts aimed to review of administrative resolutions.
Among the legal services of our Law Firm in the field of real estate law, among others, the legal services connected to sale and purchase, lease and other usage of real estate can be enrolled, including the legal advisory and documentary activity concerning condominiums, other real estates with common ownership, agricultural lands.
In the sphere of labour law related legal services, our Law Firm continuously renders advising for employers or for employees. Besides the legal counselling since the commencement of employment until termination thereof, the preparation and reviewing of employment agreements, collective agreements, different internal guidelines and policies and full scope legal representation in labour law disputes fall into the labour law profile of our Law Firm.
In the field of data privacy, our Law Firm provides counselling especially for multinational clients in their specific data privacy matters, including e.g. the legal services aimed to set up and operate whistleblowing systems, to support the transfer of employees’ data, to prepare and review agreements for data processing.
Under this category, our Law Firm renders legal service in the field of copyright and protection of industrial property rights, specifically legal counselling for personal and pecuniary rights belonging to the author and legal representation in administrative procedures for protection of industrial property rights (e.g. trademark).
As former active athletes, the partners of the Law Firm take part with pleasure in solving of legal issues affecting the sport industry, either if those touch upon sport administration, or interpretation and application of rules of law on sport, legal status of an athlete (sport agreement or right to play) or legal aspects of operation of sport organizations.
In the areas of litigation related to civil business matters, in matters of taxation, competition law and for issues regarding public procurement procedures, we offer our legal services by involvement of cooperation law firms having deep expertise in such legal fields.